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环球观察:moneyisnoteverything 英语统考 moneyisnoteverything



1、I have a two-fold personality when it comes to spending money. The one side of me likes to be very frugal. It tries to save money on clothes, groceries, and other necessities. It does not like to buy things that I do not need. The other side of me is not very careful with money. It is the side of me that buys things that I do not need (like a cappuccino maker and a foot massager). This is also the side of me that spends cash quickly and easily. I do not carry cash with me anymore because it is too easy to spend without thinking about what I spend it on. I worry money a lot and like to be in control of the money I spend and make. I make money by working hard. I do not like to get paid for hardly working; I feel that I am cheating the people who are paying me if that happens. I like to give money, time, and gifts to other people. I try to give 10% of all the money I make but it is hard sometimes because it seems like so much to give away. However, giving money away makes me happy.。

